Monday, 9 April 2012

Health Benefits of Celery


Health Benefits of Celery

Apium graveolens is a plant species in the family Apiaceae commonly known as celery (var. dulce) or celeriac (var. rapaceum), depending on whether the petioles (stalks) or roots are eaten: celery refers to the former and celeriac to the latter. Apium graveolens grows to 1 m tall. The leaves are pinnate to bipinnate leaves with rhombic leaflets 3–6 cm long and 2–4 cm broad. The flowers are creamy-white, 2–3 mm diameter, produced in dense compound umbels. The seeds are broad ovoid to globose, 1.5–2 mm long and wide.

1. Celery contains many Vitamin.

Celery or parsley is a soft stem vegetables are rich by iron, phosphorus, sodium, potassium, carotene, vitamins A, B-Complex and C and magnesium.Celery is identified as Apium graveolens and comes from a family Umbelliferae Dulce.

Celery nutrients is able to lowering high blood pressure.There are many ways to use celery as a medicine to treat high blood pressure and the most effective method is by insert a little celery leaves that small cut and pounded finely with a little water and sugar. For better efficiency it should be drink three times once.

2. Celery also can cure poisoning.

Besides, celery can also cure poisoning caused by bacterial infection.Among them is like stepped on a rusty nail, an infection of the wound or in urinary tract and cases of serious burns that cause blood poisoning known as sepsis or septicemia.Mineral salt content in celery restore alkaline nature in blood and help stop the breeding of germs.

Celery is very helpful to open the blockages that occurs in heart and spleen. Helps digestion.

3. Help increase sexual desire

Celery can help increase sexual desire.According to a Swedish cookbook author, C.E. Hagdahl, Celery is believed to increase sexual desire or be aroused quickly.It is better if eaten raw. Celery alleged containing the hormone androsterone. aten raw. Celery alleged containing the hormone androsterone. According to expert research, the hormone is produced through sweat and alleged can attract woman.

6 Health Benefits of Bean Sprouts

Benefits of bean sprouts

6 Health Benefits of Bean Sprouts

Bean sprouts are a common ingredient, especially in Asian cuisine, made from beans by sprouting.

The typical bean sprout is made from the greenish mung beans. In Japanese, the word moyashi refers to, in a strict sense, to the mung sprout (the greenish capped ones), and the usually yellow, larger-grained soy sprouts are called mame-moyashi.

The sprouted beans are supposed to be more nutritious than the original beans.

1. More Fertile

However do you know bean sprouts that are often the last choice to be made vegetable dishes actually has many benefits.Beansprouts be said able to contribute the fertility of men and women. Intake of bean sprouts by men can make their sperm produced better.Similarly, a woman, it is quite effective in helping the fertility of eggs produced.

2. Prevent Cancer

Nevertheless, benefits bean sprouts is not only contributing fertility,it also evident in research contains a substance that can crippling source of cancer, colon, pancreatic and leukemia.

According to research conducted,bean sprouts whether from type green beans, alfalfa and others contains many element beneficial phytochemicals.One is kanavanin that is a kind of amino acid. Kanavanin, alleged be able cripple source of cancer leukemia, colon and pancreas.

3. Good For Women

In addition, bean sprouts also have natural estrogen that function like estrogen synthesis.

Estrogen in bean sprouts can increase bone density and structure, and prevent bone loss (osteoporosis).Intake bean sprouts regularly by women can help them avoid from breast cancer,menstrual disorders, pre-menopausal symptoms, and disorders due to menopause.

4. Reduce Fat

When the beans germinated to be made bean sprouts,in general its saponi rate increased to 450%.They are suffering strokes and heart attacks, because of high blood fat levels,advised to take more bean sprouts in their daily menu.Saponi in bean sprouts, chase 'bad fats' LDL, without affecting good fat content (HDL).

5. Younger

Bean sprouts are solid with powerful antioxidants to prevent the body from harmful free radical cell DNA.This protection strengthens the conclusion that bean sprouts are vegetables that make you younger.

6. Remove Impurities

Another Benefits of bean sprouts are helping to remove impurities in the large intestine because they contain lots of fiber and water.This is the main pillar of bean sprouts in fight against cancer. When the impurities quickly leave the large intestine,no toxic substances in the impurities that can be absorbed by the body. It will prevent the accumulation of toxic substances that can stimulate cancer cells.

5 Health Benefits of The Cantaloupe

5 Health Benefits of The Cantaloupe

Cantaloupe (also cantaloup, mushmelon, muskmelon, rockmelon or spanspek) refers to a variety of Cucumis melo, a species in the family Cucurbitaceae which includes nearly all melons and squashes. Cantaloupes range in size from 0.5 to 5.0 kilograms (1.1 to 11 lb). Originally, cantaloupe referred only to the non-netted orange-fleshed melons of Europe; however, in more recent usage it has come to mean any orange-fleshed melon (C. melo).

Cantaloupes have been linked to listeriosis illness caused by Listeria bacteria that contaminated the fruit while they were being stored and sorted in cold conditions after harvest. The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is investigating the link between cantaloupe Listeria contamination and human sewage sludge that may have become airborne from a nearby farm.

There are 5 health benefits of the cantaloupe :

1. Promotes fertility

Planning to have a baby? Don’t forget to include one of the richest source of folate in your diet—the cantaloupe. Folate, also called folic acid, is widely known for its importance in pregnancy especially in its vital role in reducing the risk of nervous system problems in newborn babies.

2. Helps prevent anemia

Have you heard of macrocytic anemia? It is a condition due to a deficiency of folate and/or vitamin B12 in the body. When there is a lack of folate, the red blood cells becomes bigger than their normal volume.

Cantaloupe is also a good source of vitamins K and B6, niacin, fiber, magnesium and thiamine.

3. Promotes healthy teeth and gums

Loose teeth and bleeding gums may be a sign of a deficiency of vitamin C in the body. Load up on vitamin C-rich foods such as the cantaloupe for that beautiful smile.

4. Prevents UTI

In addition to its high water content which helps flush out the bacteria from your system, the cantaloupe’s high vitamin C content also works to increase the acidity level of the urine, decreasing the harmful microbes that may be present in the urinary tract.

5. Promotes fast healing of wounds

Vitamin C is one of the safest and most effective nutrients which make them the most widely-used supplements. But with the cantaloupes high dose of vitamin C, who needs supplements? Add them in salads or eat as is to help form collagen, the protein which makes skin and scar tissue.

5 Health Benefits of Jackfruit

Health Benefits of Jackfruit

The jackfruit (Artocarpus heterophyllus) is a species of tree in the Artocarpus genus of the mulberry family (Moraceae). It is native to parts of South and Southeast Asia, and is believed to have originated in the southwestern rain forests of India, in present-day Kerala. This tree is widely cultivated in tropical regions of India, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Vietnam, Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia and the Philippines. Jackfruit is also found in East Africa, e.g., in Uganda and Mauritius, as well as throughout Brazil and Caribbean nations such as Jamaica.

The jackfruit tree is well suited to tropical lowlands, and its fruit is the largest tree-borne fruit, reaching as much as 80 pounds (36 kg) in weight and up to 36 inches (90 cm) long and 20 inches (50 cm) in diameter.

Now, i would like to share with you 5 health benefits of jackfruit.

1. Strengthens the immune system

Vitamin C is one of the most widely used supplements as it is best known as the nutrient which helps prevent colds and infections. One cup of jackfruit can supply the body a very good amount of this potent antioxidant.

2. Regulates blood sugar levels

A high blood sugar level is one of the manifestations of a deficiency of the mineral manganese in the body, and jackfruit contains a very good amount of this essential nutrient.

3. Prevents bone loss

The fruit’s rich magnesium content supports the work of calcium to build and strengthen bones. Study participants have shown that those who consume foods high in potassium and magnesium has higher bone density reading and stronger bones compared to those who didn’t.

4. Keeps thyroid healthy

Copper plays an important role in thyroid metabolism especially in hormone production and absorption and jackfruit is packed with this essential micromineral.

5. Aids in blood clotting

It contains calcium, a mineral which is not only beneficial to bones, but also plays a role in blood clotting.