Sunday, 11 March 2012

Mineral Water Health Benefits

Mineral Water Health Benefits

Study conducted by medical experts has shown that drinking mineral water upon waking up in the morning is good for health. Medical specialists from Japan has been successful in the research on their patients who have been drinking mineral water every day, recover 100 percent of the ailment.

Between these diseases is artrisis, epilepsy, asthma, TB, meningitis, headache, kidney problems, heart disease, gastritis, diarrhea, cough, vision problems, cancer and others.

Composition of Mineral Water: What makes mineral water stand apart from other types of water is its composition. The following substances are naturally found in bottled mineral water in a balanced proportion.

  • Calcium: The mineral calcium is crucial to maintain normal bone density. Intake of calcium in sufficient amounts helps strengthen the bones and prevent development of bone diseases like osteoporosis.
  • Magnesium: This mineral boosts the immune system, thereby helping to fight infections effectively.
  • Sulfate: Sulfate acts as a detoxifying agent and helps to cleanse the body thoroughly.
  • Iron: Iron is very important as it rejuvenates the skin, thereby improving physical appearance. Iron is crucial to transport oxygen effectively to all the body cells, as well as improve energy levels of the body.

Other than these four minerals, this ground water contains other important minerals such as sodium, zinc, potassium, and chloride that also have numerous health benefits.

Proper Electrolyte Balance: Electrolytes are nothing but salts (potassium, magnesium, chloride) that occur in the body. As aforementioned, this ground water contains a number of minerals including potassium. People experiencing electrolyte imbalance are asked to drink mineral water to restore and maintain normal electrolyte balance.

Other Health Benefits: Tooth cavities are a common problem. However, research has revealed that daily consumption of mineral water can keep tooth cavities at bay. The anti-inflammatory properties of mineral water aid to improve pain. People suffering from joint pain and swelling are often advised to drink mineral water. The constituents of mineral water also promote cardiovascular health by decreasing bad cholesterol (LDL) levels.

Mineral Water and Kidney Stones

Mineral water is an indispensable part of a kidney stone diet. Although increase in intake of a wide variety of fluids is recommended, drinking mineral water is the best choice. Generally, kidney problems occur due to the formation of a calcium oxalate kidney stone. Drinking mineral water containing magnesium and calcium in adequate amounts helps to decrease calcium oxalate concentration. Studies have also revealed that mineral water can greatly reduce the risk of suffering from uric acid kidney stone.

Mineral Water During Pregnancy

During pregnancy, it is essential to keep the body hydrated by drinking water from time to time. Instead of drinking normal tap water, go for mineral water, as it is rich in nutrients that eventually pass to the baby, through the blood. In order to give birth to a healthy baby, pregnant women need to consume mineral water without fail.

Sparkling Mineral Water Health Benefits

When mineral water is carbonated, using some techniques, it is termed as sparkling mineral water. However, this type of mineral water is also found naturally in springs. Sparkling mineral water is just as good as normal mineral water for the body. In most cases, carbon dioxide is added to natural mineral water through man-made processes and then it is sold in bottles labeled as sparkling mineral water. An added benefit of carbonated mineral water is that it very capable in destroying germs that are a source of various viral and bacterial infections.

Mineral water health benefits have been well documented and published to make people aware of the importance of mineral water. Keep in mind that minerals are very much-needed to maximize your body's ability to work efficiently. The most inexpensive way to prevent deficiency of these nutrients is to drink mineral water daily.